jeudi 31 décembre 2009

Your mileage might vary (2009: the year in riding)

I failed my mileage objective this year: I pledged to ride a hundred miles per week, but, on average, I barely passed  the 94 miles/week mark.  As it often happens, failure sneaked up on me at the end, when I had to spend a few days in bed with back pain and the rest of the month recovering. 

Still I rode over a hundred more total miles than during the previous year, and  I’m quite happy about the result. Above all, the recent painful ordeal made me realize the futility of quantifying objectives in numbers. After all, constantly improving one’s performance is unlikely to succeed repeatedly given our limited lifespans.

Thus, for next year, my goals will be quite different. Yes, I’ll still keep track of miles, calories and heartbeats per minute, but all for one reason: to  spend my finite resources well and have even more fun than this past year. 2010 will be the year of Gran Fondo: Italian-style timed non-competitive bike events are spreading across the US of A: the Colnago Gran Fondo celebrates a second year in San Diego, with two brand new events to follow in Philadelphia (August 8) and Los Angeles (October 24). If my condition allows it I’ll try to make it to the San Diego and Los Angeles appointments. Then there'll be the repeat of last year’s successful Levi’s Gran Fondo (October 9). An appointment not to be missed with the better part of California.

I hope to make it to 2 out of 4 events, 3 if I’m lucky (and in good shape). However I want to spend 2010 touring as well. I plan to do my first (and second!) overnight tour, starting with an early spring S24O in the Ojai area with my brand new touring bike.

2009 made me finally understand the difference between pedaling as a sport and as a fun and healthy way of life. Next year I’ll try my best to practice both.

And if anyone needs further sources of inspiration check out the Adventure Cycling suggestions for New Year's Cycling Resolutions.

lundi 21 décembre 2009

My hero

Back home, Europe is under an exceptional snowstorm, car drivers told to use public transportation but only very few listen, completely blocking Milan. At least one courageous cyclist is reported :)

Milano sotto le neve, il traffico in tilt | Milano la

dimanche 20 décembre 2009

Bike for sale sold!

Bike for sale sold!
Originally uploaded by Paolo666

It's always a little bit of a heartbreak: when a bike goes, however, the memorable rides stay forever. My 2005 Specialized Sequoia was definitely not the glitzy carbon and titanium super light race bike people dream about, but it got me back on the saddle after what I feared would be a permanent partial disability. I dubbed it "Non Sequitur" because I thought it as a foolish buy, and the last road bike I would ever ride. How wrong I was!

In a few months I was riding it for a hundred miles at a time, and it was more than I could ever ask.

After I switched to carbon, it has become my commuter: always reliable but zippy enough to pass the occasional (old tired or lazy) road cyclist. I used it for over a year, three or four thousand commute miles or so,

But good ol' bikes never die: the new owner has big plans, and intents to cross the country with it. Good luck to them, I sure hope Non Sequitur will make the ride across America even more comfy and enjoyable.

samedi 12 décembre 2009

Dude, is that my bike?

Dude, is that my bike?
Originally uploaded by Paolo666

No it’s not, not anymore. It used to be, until I donated to Bici Centro. It was just strange to turn around on State Street noticing something so familiar. At some point I have dismantled and put back together every little piece of that still fine ride.

I hope it makes somebody else’s Christmas better, if nothing else taking him downtown in spite of the sometimes torrential rains.

Don’t keep your old bike rusting: make them circulate. Somebody out there might be in need a couple of wheels.