samedi 15 mars 2008

Happy B-day to me!

Today I turn 42-- it's one of the main reasons why I'm doing the Tourmalet this year rather than in, say 2028 (when I predict the bicycle will actually the only way to get up there without walking). I mean, 42 is the answer to the Ultimate Question, after all. It's older than I ever thought I be (when I was in high school).

Today I even joined the Echelon Saturday Morning Ride and got dropped only once-- and I could even blame my bike for it (if indeed the escuse was remotely believable). I'll blame the weather instead, cold, windy even stormy tonight, very un-Santa Barbarish. I am working on the bicycle angle, visited a couple of bike shops this afternoon feasting my eyes on carbon dream shapes. More of that later. Now it's sushi time!